My loyal readers: After 6 years, the blog returns! Many trips have occurred in the meantime: to Hawaii (both the big island and Maui), many trips to Bend (for mountain biking), Whistler (Mountain biking and skiing), Vancouver (eating), Victoria (more eating), and countless backpacking, biking, and hiking trips across Washington. And of course we had a kiddo, made it to Disney World a couple times, detoured through San Diego (for the zoo!) and snuck in a few trips back to Indiana to visit the grandparents.
I guess we didn’t have the energy to write down what we did during those trips, but at last! We have arrived in Palm Springs California for a week of sunny respite from the Seattle rain, and we are ONCE AGAIN going to tell you all about it.
So buckle up and follow along as we bring you with us on our journey to Sunny California, featuring the Gigglebuns and with a guest appearance by Oma.
You’re leaving us hanging!!!!
Hooray for the return!